"All Shopping Eventually Leads To Shoe Shopping."

Post date: Friday 29 November 2013

Excuse the Gossip Girl quote, I couldn't resist.
After recently purchasing a new pair of boots, I apparently decided that I was on some sort of shoe-shopping roll and found myself scouring the internet for a new pair of flats to add to my collection. Somehow that ended with me buying some 2" high, T-bar shoes from Topshop, after being lured in by the sweet scent of a student discount and free postage. One look at these and I knew they'd be mine, I'd figure out what I could actually wear them with later...
When they arrived, I instantly started trying them on with every item of clothing I own. To my surprise they actually go with quite a lot; oversized t-shirts, dresses, and my beloved skater skirts and dungarees. Now all I need is some frilly ankle socks to wear with them and I'll be good to go! 

What's your favourite pair of shoes?
KJ xo
2 people left notes on "All Shopping Eventually Leads To Shoe Shopping."
  1. Love these! I recently bought a pair of cutout boots from Asos so I can't wait to wear them outside and create new outfits with them (:

    not haute
